Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Kitah Hey Update


Dear Parents,

Hope everyone had a great vacation and a wonderful Passover. It was nice welcoming back our students this week and hearing about their holiday and how the Seder was meaningful to them.

We continued our Torah study, discussing the relationship of Jacob and his brother Esau. The learners retold the story of Jacob receiving the blessing from Isaac and the birthright from Esau. The special blessing was Jacob's (and Jewish people's) family treasure. When asked to fill in blank "one of my family treasures is?" The students' answers were: 

                        Siblings getting along
                        Not fighting
                        Going on family vacation 
                        Shabbat dinner
                        Spending time with grandparents 

All really special things to treasure!

This week we commemorated Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Memorial Day) Our class visited "the Butterfly: An Art Exhibition in the new wing, off the main lobby at CSZ. Our class contributed a beautiful stained glass butterfly inspired by the poem "the Butterfly", written in 1942 by a child in Terezin Concentration Camp. Our butterfly represents endurance, change, hope, and life. 
Our lessons have focused on how small acts against injustice can ultimately create an environment where hate cannot flourish.

Shabbat Shalom

Cillia Kleiman

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Kitah Vav Update

April 25, 2017

Hello all –

We are entering the home stretch of religious school. It is always difficult when we come back after Passover, as the kids are in Spring Mode.  I have am wondering if wearing a giant inflatable dinosaur costume at all times might help, and am willing to take that plunge, if need be.  We shall see. It is always good to keep a trick or two in your back pocket. J In the meantime, while I know that spring sports are here and the kids’ schedules are crazy, just a gentle reminder that they are in Judiacs class from 11:25 – 12:15, so if they leave at 11:30, they  miss all of their Judaics lesson… and my giant inflatable dinosaur costume. And that’s just tragic.  Please make sure if your child needs to leave early, that he/she circles back with me BEFORE or AFTER class the next week, so I can catch him/her up.  And, of course, there is always the blog.  This past Sunday we began with 15 kids and I had 4 by 11:45.  And such is spring.   So, as for Sunday, we don’t have much to report, as we REDID the lesson on Tuesday.

Since I am typing this Tuesday morning, let’s pretend that this class went as follows.  In my mind, this is EXACTLY what is going to happen, but who knows.  Usually I am at least 20% right. J But this is the lesson planned. First, I will look stunning in my inflatable T-Rex costume and the kids will ALL be there and then they will all leave to go on to play baseball AFTER religious ed and naturally, win their games.  They will then go home, eat all of their veggies without complaint, and their chicken (even without fried breading on it), not torture their siblings, do their homework, brush their teeth without leaving globs of toothpaste in the sink, and go to bed by 9:00 p.m. with the day’s clothing neatly tossed in the hamper.  Just so you know: this happened.  I guarantee it.

Tuesday plan:  We learn about Moses as an imperfect leader.  Why? One might ask… because I want the kids to know that YOU TOO can be like Moses.  You do NOT have to be PERFECT.  But you can have GIANT positive impacts on the world and on the Jewish people.  We discuss what it means to be a leader, what characteristics leaders hold – both positive and negative.  We then discuss in popular culture what the characteristics those leaders hold.  We see a short google slide show that Morah Leah made.. naturally, the internet does not go out and the Smartboard works perfectly.  Then, The kids do an activity that involves lemons and leadership (ask them about this… it’s a good one), and it ends by making homemade lemonade.  Yum.  On Sunday we will move on to discuss specific characteristics of Moses and tie them in to characteristics he shares with other leaders that they are familiar with.

Please mark May 2 as an important date – the kids are making their YADS with Gail Kaplan.  These are the ones that they use for their Bar/Bat mitzvahs!  They are BEAUTIFUL and are generously sponsored by CSZ. 

Please also mark May 21st from 11- 12 in your calendar.  You will meet your children for the last day of religious school for the all school, family Shavuot program.  Looking forward to having you there.

Have a great weekend,

Kitah Gan Katan Update

April 24, 2017

Welcome Back! Hope everyone had a great Passover Holiday.  
Today we have learned a lot, very busy in our Gan Katan class.  We started learning about Mezzuah. We learned what goes in the Mezzuah, the Shema. We went on a hunt around the shul to look at how many different types of Mezzuahs we could find. We even went to Rabbi Starr's office and he showed us a Mezzuah that he brought from Israel. It was the stones of the Kotel, very cool to see.  

We are making our very own Mezzuahs to take home. Keep an eye out.

Hope you have a great week!!

Morot Zoya and Alexis 

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