Friday, May 6, 2016

Kitah Zayin Class Update

Dear Parents,  

 Can't  believe  that the school  year  is  coming to an end. Morah Hollenberg  and  I would like to thank each and every single  one of you for sharing your precious  jewels with us. We learned  a lot from them and I know they learned a lot from us too. 

 Sunday: I started  the class  by talking  about the word " Emet" truth and honesty.  How it is so important  to tell the truth, cause you never know if God forbid  something  happens  and you are telling  the  truth, no one  will believe  you. ( like the boy we cried wolf).  

In some circumstances we could tell a lie, for it is not to hurt a person.  The students  were  very engaged  in this topic.  Heard a lot of great stories.  

Tuesday: we talked about current  events.  Or anything  that  the students  wanted to share with the class.

I hope all of you enjoy  your summer  break. Please be safe and have fun!!! :) ♡♡♡♡♡♡

Morot Rice and  Hollenberg 

Kitah Hey - 5th Grade Class Update

Dear Parents,

Where has our year gone!  We continue our Torah studies, discussing the Jewish Values it teaches us through the stories it tells us.

 Abraham & Sarah became the father & mother of a great nation - עם ישראל - Israel. They showed us how to live and advocate for Justice. They exemplified the meaning of Hospitality. Opening up their home to anyone who was in need. Keeping Shalim Bayit - Peace in the Home- by compromising . The life they lived was authentic and a wonderful example for their children, family, servants and friends. They too followed Abraham &  Sarah's teachings. They too became " team players" - part of  עם ישראל - the Jewish people. Believing and committed to the Covenant with God.

 Our learners have discussed how they practice these values in their own life at home and in school. Being grateful, sensitive , happy, content and kind.

 Have a happy Mother's Day and I look forward to our last week in this beautiful season with a bright & sensitive group of students.

 Shabbat Shalom,

Cillia Kleiman

Kitah Vav- 6th Grade Update

Hi All!  It is the final lap of Hebrew school… however did the time fly by?!  Oy! We have had a good run of it. And usually I look at my books about now and think “oh my goodness! How did we get all the curriculum in the last week.”  It is akin to high school world history, where you end up trying to get World War I through modern day in the last 7 days of school. HOWEVER, this year we made it!  On Tuesday we had our Joshua and Caleb lesson (these are the two fellas who led the Israelites into the Promised Land).   We MADE it to the Promised Land! Hurray!

 Our lesson Tuesday was a favorite of mine, and despite the warm weather and the squirrely kids, they enjoyed it too.  It was about PERSPECTIVE.  The story of Joshua and Caleb is one where Moses and Aaron send 12 spies to the Promised Land to check things out.  The first group comes back and tells Moses and Aaron that it was a beautiful land, but that the inhabitants were HUGE and scary and that clearly the Israelites will get stomped when they enter it.  They describe the people as giants, and say that these people make them feel like grasshoppers.  Alternately, Caleb and Joshua, WHO SAW THE SAME THING, say that it is a beautiful land, and with God’s help, we will be victorious.  BOTH saw the same thing… Joshua and Caleb choose to see the positive.  And hence, they were rewarded.

 I had the kids do a “glass half full and half empty” activity.  We looked at multiple perspective pictures (the crone and the princess was one) and we saw how one image could have two conflicting pictures in it.  The Torah shows us that there are many ways to look at one experience, and how we view it.. how we frame our experience is up to us.  God rewards the optimist.  So look up: God is on our side!

 On Sunday we had our 10 commandments lesson.  We watched the 8 commandments of Homer clip from the Simpsons (kids had a good laugh), and then we discussed what part of the 10 commandments were still appropriate to today. The kids were mixed.  Many thought that some of the commandments didn’t need to be laws, since they were common sense.  We then rewrote the 10 commandments and discussed which rules were MORE important than others.  Most of the kids wanted to add rules that had to do with being kind, empathetic, helpful.  This made me smile.  Good kiddos.   We also talked about the honor your mother and father law a lot.  The kids learned that they are supposed to clothe, feed and support you in order to maintain your dignity. SO BOOK THAT FANCY RETIREMENT VILLAGE NOW!!!! AND SEND YOUR CHILD THE BILL!

 We are in the home stretch! Enjoy this Sunday off for Mother’s Day. Personally, I’d like about 3 hours .. or 8 .. to myself. J Mother. Of. The. Year.

 We then have next Tuesday, Sunday and it is a wrap!  However did the time go by so quickly.

 Have a great weekend and take care,


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Morot Katz and Zachor Class Upate

Shalom 4th-6th Grade Families:

It's hard to believe that another religious school year is almost complete.  We shared so many wonderful learning moments together.  This week we embraced the tough topic of the Holocaut Remembrance Day.  The students thoughtfully asked meaningful questions and we discussed the ramifications it had for our Jewish community and the establishment of the State of Israel.  We said a special Kaddosh for the almost 7 million Jews who perished.

We can't begin to express how much we have grown to appreciate teaching and learning with your students.  This group had been one of the most empathetic, conscientious and socially aware we have ever taught.  Their thirst for knowledge and insight impressed us everyday.

We wish everyone a Shabbat Shalom and Happy Yom Ha'Em (Mothers Day).

Morot Zachor and Katz

Morot Levinson and Schlussel Hebrew Update

Dear Parents,
We hope you had a wonderful Passover holiday with your families.

This past Tuesday, the sixth graders began the day with tefillot (prayer). We made note of the fact that we are no longer including "Mored Hagashem" , the prayer for rain that we say in the winter.

Passover is the beginning of the spring  and summer season and so we do not include that in our prayers now.
We spent a little time speaking about the significance of Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Memorial Day) as it was Wednesday night and Thursday.

In our 4th and 5th grade classes, we had a very interesting discussion  about Yom Hashoah and the students had some very good questions and comments.

It has been our pleasure teaching your children  this year. We are so happy about the excellent progress that they have made in their Hebrew skills.

Thank you again for sharing your children with us on Sundays and Tuesdays this past year.  

Toby Schlussel

Dona Levinson

Kitah Bet Update

Dear Parents,

  I hope everyone had a meaningful and fun Passover. I heard from some of your children  about their highlights of the holiday, lots of them involved the afikomen. They also shared their  favorite  Passover culinary moments, some even included maror!

  The end of the year is always a bittersweet time. As I write this note to you ,we have only two more days of school left, (Tuesday May10 and Sunday May 15) . On the one hand summer vacation is always something teachers and students look forward to, yet I wish we could spend more time together as a classroom community.  I hope your children have enjoyed their time in class and I hope they are  leaving with a connection to our Jewish heritage, through our Torah, holiday and Hebrew language study.

  Many of your children are well on the way to being Hebrew readers and others are now familiar with  a language they never knew before this year. They all should be very proud of their accomplishments in class in learning Hebrew. I hope they will be excited to come back next year in Kitah Gimmel  where they will build upon what we did this year and continue their Jewish learning.

Wishing everyone a great and safe summer.

Davida  ( Tuesday

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